~* Mutiara Tazkirah.. moga ada khairnya.. insyaALLAH, walLAHU Ta'ala 'Alam

Bersegera Kepada Kebaikan dan Menganjurkan Kepada Orang-orang yang Menuju Kebaikan supaya Menghadapinya dengan Bersungguh-sungguh Tanpa Keragu-raguan. ~*~ ALLAH S.W.T. berfirman yang mafhumnya " Dan bagi tiap-tiap umat ada kiblatnya (sendiri) yang ia menghadap kepadanya. Maka berlumba-lumbalah (dalam membuat) kebaikan. Di mana saja kamu berada pasti ALLAH akan mengumpulkan kamu sekalian (pada hari kiamat). Sesungguhnya ALLAH Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu" [ Al Baqarah; 2:148 ]

Monday, February 06, 2006

Fatwas given by Islamic Scholars on the Boycott of Israel


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Excerpt ....

Fatwas given by Islamic Scholars on the Boycott of Israel

Imam Syed Ali Khamenei (Islamic Republic of Iran)

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"The purchase of any item which helps strengthen Zionism is not permissible ..."

The following Fatwas are from www.khamenei.de:

Fatwa No 12798 ( 15th May.2001 )

Regarding the purchase of Zionist goods:

The purchase of any item which helps strengthen Zionism is not permissible unless it reaches the point of necessity.

Fatwa 8822 (from Leaders Office, Qum, Iran)

Date: 27 Feb 2002


1) Is it permissible to buy products from the United States of America or american products?

2) Is it permissible to buy goods from companies that allocate parts of their profits to support USA or support USA?

3) Is it permissible to buy goods from companies that spread immorality (unislamic atmosphere) and support immorality (unislamic atmosphere)?


1&2) Any transaction with a company which ist profit is for helping the enemies of Islam and Muslims or for supporting the Zionism regime is not permissible.

3) If buying goods from these companies would support them and assist them in spreading corruption and immorality, it is impermissible.

Shaykh Yusuf Al Qaradawi (Egypt / Qatar)

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"Each riyal, dirham …etc. used to buy their goods eventually becomes bullets to be fired at the hearts of brothers and children in Palestine. For this reason, it is an obligation not to help them (the enemies of Islam) by buying their goods. To buy their goods is to support tyranny, oppression and aggression."

20 Muharram 1423 AH

4 April 2002


Are we allowed to buy items from Israeli sources, even though this money may be used to help the Jewish "war machine"?

Answer by Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi:

It is Jihad to liberate the Islamic lands from those who attack or conquer them. These are enemies of Islam. This Jihad is an absolute obligation and a sacred duty; firstly on the people of that land. If the Muslims of that land can't offer sufficientresistance, then Muslims of neighboring countries are obliged to assist. If this is still not sufficient then all the Muslims of the world must assist.

Palestine is the land of the first Qiblah of the Muslims, the land of Isra' and Mi`raj, the land of Al-Aqsa and the blessed territory. The conquerors are those with the greatest enmity to the believers, and they are supported by the strongest state on earth - the USA, and by the world Jewish community.

Jihad is obligatory against those who take land and expel the inhabitants, spill the blood, violate the honor, destroy the houses, burn the fields, and corrupt the land. Jihad is the first obligation of all obligations, and the first duty of the Ummah. Muslims are commanded to do this, first those from the land in question, after that their neighbors, and finally all Muslims. We must all be united against the aggressors. We are united in Islam, including unity of belief in the Shari`ah, unity of belief in the Qiblah, and also united in pain and hope.

As ALLAH Almighty says:

"Verily this Ummah of yours is one Ummah."

(Al Anbiyaa, 21:92).

ALLAH Almighty also says:

"Surely the believers are a single brotherhood."

(Al Hujurat, 49:10).

There is a Hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, that states:

"The Muslim is the brother to the Muslim, he can't oppress him, he can't give him up, he can't let him down."

[Transmitted by Muslim].

* Full text of this FATWA can be retrieved at:

  • * http://www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-fatwas.html

    Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Fadhlullah (Lebanon)

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    " The least effort we could make ... is to boycott all those who support the enemy ... We should boycott American goods whenever possible, and you should boycott all Israeli goods as well as all the companies that help Israeli companies financially"

    In the name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful

    Ramadan 2 1421H /November 28, 2000 CE

    In his fatwa to all the Muslims of the world, Sayyid Mohammad Husayn Fadlallah calls for a boycott of all Israeli & American companies.

    ALLAH The Most Exalted has ordained that every Muslim should care about the affairs of all other Muslims and defend their causes by all possible means in order to preserve their strength and dignity.

    The Prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h.) says:

    "Whosoever does not care about Muslims' affairs is not a Muslim"

    Thus Islam is an intellectual, emotional and practical state in the Muslim's personality that interacts with Muslims' affairs at all levels and therefore we cannot be indifferent to their causes.

    The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) also said:

    "Whosoever hears Muslims calling for help without answering that call is not a Muslim."

    And this implies that answering a Muslims' calls for help, either as an individual or as a community, is an integral part of Islam, an Islam that would be lost to any Muslim who did not answer such a call.

    The Prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h.) also said:

    "Whoever sees a wrong he should change it with his hand but if he can't with his tongue and if he can't then in his heart which is the weakest sign of faith."

    * Full text of this FATWA can be retrieved at:

  • * http://www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-fatwas.html

    Ayatullah as-Sayyid Ali as-Seestani (Iraq)

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    "It is not permissible for a Muslim to buy products of the countries that are in a state of war with Islam and Muslims, for example, Israel"

    The following Fatwas are from "A Code of Practice for Muslims in the West" by Ayatullah Seestani translated by Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi and published by Imam Ali A.S. Foundation, London:

    249. It is not permissible for a Muslim to buy products of the countries that are in a state of war with Islam and Muslims, for example, Israel. (Page 146)

    265. Question: Is it permissible to buy from shops that dedicate part of their profits to supporting Israel?

    Answer: We do not allow that. (Page 150)


    Copyright © 2005 Inminds.co.uk

    *Bint Haji Yusof: adapted from ->
  • * http://www.inminds.co.uk

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